Source code for plot_utils.one_column

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl

from . import helper as hlp

[docs]def piechart( target_array, class_names=None, dropna=False, top_n=None, sort_by='counts', fig=None, ax=None, figsize=(3,3), dpi=100, colors=None, display='percent', title=None, fontsize=None, verbose=True, **piechart_kwargs, ): ''' Plot a pie chart demonstrating proportions of different categories within an array. Parameters ---------- target_array : array_like An array containing categorical values (could have more than two categories). Target value can be numeric or texts. class_names : sequence of str Names of different classes. The order should correspond to that in the target_array. For example, if target_array has 0 and 1 then class_names should be ['0', '1']; and if target_array has "pos" and "neg", then class_names should be ['neg','pos'] (i.e., alphabetical). If None, values of the categories will be used as names. If [], then no class names are displayed. dropna : bool Whether to drop NaN values or not. If ``False``, they show up as 'N/A'. top_n : int An integer between 1 and the number of unique categories in ``target_array``. Useful for preventing plotting too many unique categories (very slow). If None, plot all categories. sort_by : {'counts', 'name'} An option to control whether the pie slices are arranged by the counts of each unique categories, or by the names of those categories. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure or ``None`` Figure object. If None, a new figure will be created. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot or ``None`` Axes object. If None, a new axes will be created. figsize: (float, float) Figure size in inches, as a tuple of two numbers. The figure size of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. dpi : float Figure resolution. The dpi of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. colors : list or ``None`` A list of colors (can be RGB values, hex strings, or color names) to be used for each class. The length can be longer or shorter than the number of classes. If longer, only the first few colors are used; if shorter, colors are wrapped around. If ``None``, automatically use the Pastel2 color map (8 colors total). display : {'percent', 'count', 'both', ``None``} An option of what to show on top of each pie slices: percentage of each class, or count of each class, or both percentage and count, or nothing. title : str or ``None`` The text to be shown on the top of the pie chart. fontsize : scalar or tuple/list of two scalars Font size. If scalar, both the class names and the percentages are set to the specified size. If tuple of two scalars, the first value sets the font size of class names, and the last value sets the font size of the percentages. verbose : bool Whether or to show a "Plotting more than 100 slices; please be patient" message when the number of categories exceeds 100. **piechart_kwargs : Keyword arguments to be passed to matplotlib.pyplot.pie function, except for "colors", "labels"and "autopct" because this subroutine re-defines these three arguments. (See Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure object being created or being passed into this function. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot The axes object being created or being passed into this function. ''' fig, ax = hlp._process_fig_ax_objects(fig, ax, figsize, dpi) if not isinstance(target_array, hlp._array_like): raise TypeError( '`target_array` must be a numpy array, pandas.Series, or list.' ) if sort_by not in ['count', 'counts', 'name', 'names']: raise ValueError( f"`sort_by` must be one of {'count', 'counts', 'name', 'names'}, not '{sort_by}'." ) y = target_array if ~isinstance(y, pd.Series): y = pd.Series(y) y = hlp._upcast_dtype(y) if dropna: print('****** WARNING: NaNs in target_array dropped. ******') y = y[y.notnull()] # only keep non-null entries else: # need to fill with some str, otherwise the count will be 0 y.fillna('N/A', inplace=True) #----------- Count occurrences -------------------------------------------- val_count = y.value_counts() # index: unique values; values: their counts if sort_by in ['names', 'name']: val_count.sort_index(inplace=True) vals = list(val_count.index) counts = list(val_count) #----------- (Optional) truncation of less common categories -------------- if top_n is not None: if not isinstance(top_n, (int, np.integer)) or top_n <= 0: raise ValueError('`top_n` must be a positive integer.') if top_n > len(vals): raise ValueError( '`top_n` larger than the total number of ' 'categories (i.e., %d).' % len(vals) ) occurrences = pd.Series( index=vals, data=counts).sort_values(ascending=False) truncated = occurrences.iloc[:top_n] # first top_n entries combined_category_name = 'others' while combined_category_name in vals: combined_category_name += '_' # must not clash with current category names other = pd.Series( index=[combined_category_name], # just one row of data data=[occurrences.iloc[top_n:].sum()], ) new_array = truncated.append(other, verify_integrity=True) counts = new_array.values vals = new_array.index thres = 100 if len(counts) > thres and verbose: print('Plotting more than %d slices. Please be very patient.' % thres) #---------- Set colors ---------------------------------------------------- if not colors: # set default color cycle to 'Pastel2' colors_4 = # RGBA values ("8" means Pastel2 has maximum 8 colors) colors = [list(_)[:3] for _ in colors_4] # remove the fourth value #---------- Set class names ----------------------------------------------- if class_names is None: class_names = [str(val) for val in vals] if class_names == []: class_names = None #---------- Whether to display percentage or counts (or both) on pie ------ if display == 'percent': autopct = '%1.1f%%' elif display == 'count': total = np.sum(counts) # autopct = lambda p: '{:,d}'.format(int(round(p * total / 100.0))) elif display == 'both': def make_autopct(values): # def my_autopct(pct): total = sum(values) val = int(round(pct * total / 100.0)) return '{p:.1f}% ({v:,d})'.format(p=pct, v=val) return my_autopct autopct = make_autopct(counts) elif display == None: autopct = '' else: raise ValueError( "`display` can only be one of {'percent', 'count', " "'both', None}, not '%s'." % display ) #------------ Plot pie chart ---------------------------------------------- _, texts, autotexts = ax.pie( counts, labels=class_names, colors=colors, autopct=autopct, **piechart_kwargs, ) if isinstance(fontsize, (list, tuple)): for t_ in texts: t_.set_fontsize(fontsize[0]) for t_ in autotexts: t_.set_fontsize(fontsize[1]) elif fontsize: for t_ in texts: t_.set_fontsize(fontsize) for t_ in autotexts: t_.set_fontsize(fontsize) ax.axis('equal') if title: ax.set_title(title) return fig, ax
[docs]def discrete_histogram( x, fig=None, ax=None, figsize=(5,3), dpi=100, color=None, alpha=None, rot=0, logy=False, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel='Number of occurrences', show_xticklabel=True, ): ''' Plot a discrete histogram based on the given data ``x``, such as below:: N ^ | | ____ | | | ____ | | | | | | ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ____ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | -|---------------------------------------> x x1 x2 x3 x4 ... In the figure, N is the number of occurences for x1, x2, x3, x4, etc. And x1, x2, x3, x4, etc. are the discrete values within ``x``. Parameters ---------- x : list, numpy.ndarray, pandas.Series, or dict Data to be visualized. If ``x`` is a list, numpy arrary, or pandas Series, the content of ``x`` is analyzed and counts of ``x``'s values are plotted. If ``x`` is a dict, then ``x``'s keys are treated as discrete values and ``x``'s values are treated as counts. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure or ``None`` Figure object. If None, a new figure will be created. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot or ``None`` Axes object. If None, a new axes will be created. figsize: (float, float) Figure size in inches, as a tuple of two numbers. The figure size of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. dpi : float Figure resolution. The dpi of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. color : str, list<float>, or ``None`` Color of bar. If ``None``, the default color (muted blue) is used. alpha : float or ``None`` Opacity of bar. If ``None``, the default value (1.0) is used. rot : float or int Rotation angle (degrees) of X axis label. Default = 0 (upright label). logy : bool Whether or not to use log scale for the Y axis. title : str The title of the plot. xlabel : str The X axis label. ylabel : str The Y axis label. show_xticklabel : bool Whether or not to show the X tick labels (the names of the classes). Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure object being created or being passed into this function. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot The axes object being created or being passed into this function. value_count : pandas.Series The counts of each discrete values within ``x`` (if ``x`` is an array) with each values sorted in ascending order, or the pandas Series generated from ``x`` (if ``x`` is a dict). Notes ----- References: See Also -------- plot_ranking : Plot bars showing the ranking of the data ''' fig, ax = hlp._process_fig_ax_objects(fig, ax, figsize, dpi) if not isinstance(x, (list, pd.Series, np.ndarray, dict)): raise TypeError( '`x` should be a list, pandas.Series, numpy.ndarray, or dict.' ) if isinstance(x, dict): value_count = pd.Series(x, name='counts').sort_index() else: X = pd.Series(x) value_count = X.value_counts().sort_index() # count distinct values and sort name = 'counts' if is None else + '_counts' value_count.rename(name, inplace=True) if color is None: ax =,ax=ax,rot=rot) else: ax =,alpha=alpha,ax=ax,rot=rot) if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if show_xticklabel: ha = 'center' if (0 <= rot < 30 or rot == 90) else 'right' ax.set_xticklabels(value_count.index,rotation=rot,ha=ha) else: ax.set_xticklabels([]) if logy: # ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') # if title: ax.set_title(title) return fig, ax, value_count