Source code for plot_utils.misc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection

from . import helper as hlp

[docs]def plot_ranking( ranking, fig=None, ax=None, figsize='auto', dpi=100, barh=True, top_n=None, score_ax_label=None, name_ax_label=None, invert_name_ax=False, grid_on=True, ): ''' Plot rankings as a bar plot (in descending order), such as:: ^ | dolphin ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| | cat ||||||||||||||||||||||||| | rabbit |||||||||||||||| | dog ||||||||||||| | -|------------------------------------> Age of pet 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Parameters ---------- ranking : dict or pandas.Series The ranking information, for example: {'rabbit': 5, 'cat': 8, 'dog': 4, 'dolphin': 10} It does not need to be sorted externally. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure or ``None`` Figure object. If None, a new figure will be created. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot or ``None`` Axes object. If None, a new axes will be created. figsize: (float, float) Figure size in inches, as a tuple of two numbers. The figure size of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. dpi : float Figure resolution. The dpi of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. barh : bool Whether or not to show the bars as horizontal (otherwise, vertical) top_n : int If ``None``, show all categories. ``top_n`` > 0 means showing the highest ``top_n`` categories. ``top_n`` < 0 means showing the lowest |``top_n``| categories. score_ax_label : str Label of the score axis (e.g., "Age of pet"). name_ax_label : str Label of the "category name" axis (e.g., "Pet name"). invert_name_ax : bool Whether to invert the "category name" axis. For example, if ``invert_name_ax`` is ``False``, then higher values are shown on the top if ``barh`` is ``True``. grid_on : bool Whether or not to show grids on the plot. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure object being created or being passed into this function. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot The axes object being created or being passed into this function. ''' if not isinstance(ranking, (dict, pd.Series)): raise TypeError('`ranking` must be a Python dict or pandas Series.') if top_n is not None and not isinstance(top_n, (int, np.integer)): raise ValueError('`top_n` must be an integer of None.') if top_n == None: nr_classes = len(ranking) top_n = len(ranking) else: nr_classes = np.abs(top_n) if figsize == 'auto': if barh: figsize = (5, nr_classes * 0.26) # 0.26 inch = height for each category else: figsize = (nr_classes * 0.26, 5) fig, ax = hlp._process_fig_ax_objects(fig, ax, figsize, dpi) if isinstance(ranking,dict): ranking = pd.Series(ranking) if barh: kind = 'barh' xlabel, ylabel = score_ax_label, name_ax_label ax = ranking.sort_values( ascending=(top_n >= 0) ).iloc[-np.abs(top_n):].plot(kind=kind, ax=ax) else: kind = 'bar' xlabel, ylabel = name_ax_label, score_ax_label ax = ranking.sort_values( ascending=(top_n < 0) ).iloc[:np.abs(top_n) if top_n != 0 else None].plot( kind=kind, ax=ax, ) if invert_name_ax: if barh is True: ax.invert_yaxis() else: ax.invert_xaxis() if xlabel: ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if ylabel: ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if grid_on: ax.grid(ls=':') ax.set_axisbelow(True) return fig, ax
[docs]def plot_with_error_bounds( x, y, upper_bound, lower_bound, fig=None, ax=None, figsize=None, dpi=100, line_color=[0.4]*3, shade_color=[0.7]*3, shade_alpha=0.5, linewidth=2.0, legend_loc='best', line_label='Data', shade_label='$\mathregular{\pm}$STD', logx=False, logy=False, grid_on=True, ): ''' Plot a graph with one line and its upper and lower bounds, with areas between bounds shaded. The effect is similar to this illustration below:: y ^ ... _____________________ | ... .......... | | | . ______ . | --- Mean value | | ... / \ .. | ... Error bounds | | ... ___/ \ ... |_____________________| | . / ... \ ........ | . __/ ... .... \________ . | / .... ... \ . | / .... ..... \_ | ... .......... -|---------------------------------------> x Parameters ---------- x : list, numpy.ndarray, or pandas.Series X data points to be plotted as a line. y : list, numpy.ndarray, or pandas.Series Y data points to be plotted as a line. fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure or ``None`` Figure object. If None, a new figure will be created. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot or ``None`` Axes object. If None, a new axes will be created. figsize: (float, float) Figure size in inches, as a tuple of two numbers. The figure size of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. dpi : float Figure resolution. The dpi of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. upper_bound : list, numpy.ndarray, or pandas.Series Upper bound of the Y values. lower_bound : list, numpy.ndarray, or pandas.Series Lower bound of the Y values. line_color : str, list, or tuple Color of the line. shade_color : str, list, or tuple Color of the underlying shades. shade_alpha : float Opacity of the shades. linewidth : float Width of the line. legend_loc : int, str Location of the legend, to be passed directly to ``plt.legend()``. line_label : str Label of the line, to be used in the legend. shade_label : str Label of the shades, to be used in the legend. logx : bool Whether or not to show the X axis in log scale. logy : bool Whether or not to show the Y axis in log scale. grid_on : bool Whether or not to show grids on the plot. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure object being created or being passed into this function. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot The axes object being created or being passed into this function. ''' if not isinstance(x, hlp._array_like) or not isinstance(y, hlp._array_like): raise TypeError('`x` and `y` must be arrays.') if len(x) != len(y): raise hlp.LengthError('`x` and `y` must have the same length.') fig, ax = hlp._process_fig_ax_objects(fig, ax, figsize, dpi) hl1 = ax.fill_between( x, lower_bound, upper_bound, color=shade_color, facecolor=shade_color, linewidth=0.01, alpha=shade_alpha, interpolate=True, label=shade_label, ) hl2, = ax.plot(x, y, color=line_color, linewidth=linewidth, label=line_label) if logx: ax.set_xscale('log') if logy: ax.set_yscale('log') if grid_on: ax.grid(ls=':',lw=0.5) ax.set_axisbelow(True) plt.legend(handles=[hl2,hl1],loc=legend_loc) return fig, ax
[docs]def visualize_cv_scores( fig=None, ax=None, dpi=100, n_folds=5, cv_scores=None, box_height=0.6, box_width=0.9, gap_frac=0.05, metric_name='AUC', avg_cv_score=None, no_holdout_set=False, holdout_score=None, fontsize=9, flip_yaxis=True, ): ''' Visualize K-fold cross-validation scores as well as hold-out set performance in an intuitive way. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure or ``None`` Figure object. If None, a new figure will be created. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot or ``None`` Axes object. If None, a new axes will be created. dpi : float Figure resolution. The dpi of ``fig`` (if not ``None``) will override this parameter. n_folds : int Number of CV folds. cv_scores : list<float> or ``None`` The validation score of each fold. If ``None``, no scores will be shown on the small boxes. box_height : float The height of the the small box, in inches. box_width : float The width of the small box, in inches. gap_frac : float How much gap should there be between each small box. metric_name : str The name of the metric to be shown in the figure. avg_cv_score : float or ``None`` The average cross-validation score. If ``None`` (recommended), it will be calculated by numpy.mean(cv_scores). no_holdout_set : bool If ``False``, the hold-out data set will be visualized alongside the training data set. This parameter supersedes ``holdout_score``. holdout_score : float or ``None`` The performance on the hold-out data set. If ``no_holdout_set`` is ``True``, this parameter has no effect. fontsize : float The font size of all the texts. flip_yaxis : bool If ``True``, everything will be flipped upside down. This parameter is for diagnosis and and debugging purpose only. It is recommended to leave it as ``True``. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure The figure object being created or being passed into this function. ax : matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot The axes object being created or being passed into this function. ''' hlp.assert_type(n_folds, int, name='n_folds') hlp.assert_type(cv_scores, (type(None), list), name='cv_scores') if cv_scores is not None: hlp.assert_element_type(cv_scores, hlp._scalar_like, name='cv_scores') # END IF hlp.assert_type(avg_cv_score, (type(None), hlp._scalar_like), name='avg_cv_score') hlp.assert_type(gap_frac, hlp._scalar_like, name='gap_frac') if gap_frac < 0 or gap_frac > 1: raise ValueError('`gap_frac` must be within (0, 1).') # END IF hlp.assert_type(metric_name, str, name='metric_name') hlp.assert_type(holdout_score, (type(None), hlp._scalar_like), name='holdout_score') GRAY_COLOR_ALPHA = 0.25 OTHER_COLOR_ALPHA = 0.5 total_width = n_folds * box_width total_height = n_folds * box_height fig_width = total_width * 1.5 fig_height = total_height * 1.5 if metric_name is None: metric_name = 'score' # END IF if cv_scores is not None: assert(len(cv_scores) == n_folds) # END IF figsize = (fig_width, fig_height) fig, ax = hlp._process_fig_ax_objects(fig, ax, figsize, dpi) for j in range(n_folds): text_ = [''] * n_folds if cv_scores is not None: if j == 0: text_[j] = '%s\n= %.4g' % (metric_name, cv_scores[j]) else: text_[j] = '%.4g' % cv_scores[j] else: for k in range(n_folds): if k == j: text_[k] = 'eval.' else: text_[k] = 'train' # END IF-ELS # END FOR # END IF-ELSE ax = _plot_one_row_of_rectangles( ax, n_boxes=n_folds, southwest_corner=(0, j * box_height), box_height=box_height, fontsize=fontsize, box_width=box_width, gap_frac=gap_frac, show_which_box_as_test=j, text=text_, ) # END FOR text_list = ['Fold %d' % (_ + 1) for _ in range(n_folds)] ax = _plot_one_row_of_rectangles( ax, n_boxes=n_folds, southwest_corner=(0, n_folds * box_height), box_height=box_height, box_width=box_width, gap_frac=gap_frac, fontsize=fontsize, show_which_box_as_test=-1, train_set_color='gray', alpha=GRAY_COLOR_ALPHA, text=text_list, ) ax = _plot_one_row_of_rectangles( ax, n_boxes=1, southwest_corner=(0, -1.5 * box_height), box_height=box_height, box_width=total_width, gap_frac=0.0, text=['Training data'], fontsize=fontsize, train_set_color='#6baed6', alpha=OTHER_COLOR_ALPHA, ) if not no_holdout_set: if holdout_score is not None: holdout_txt = 'Hold-out data\n%s = %.4g' % (metric_name, holdout_score) else: holdout_txt = 'Hold-out data' # END IF-ELSE holdout_box_gap_frac = 0.01 r1 = 1 + holdout_box_gap_frac holdout_box_width = total_width * 0.5 ax = _plot_one_row_of_rectangles( ax, n_boxes=1, southwest_corner=(total_width * r1, -1.5 * box_height), box_width=holdout_box_width, box_height=box_height, gap_frac=0.0, text=[holdout_txt], fontsize=fontsize, train_set_color='yellow', alpha=OTHER_COLOR_ALPHA, ) ax = _plot_one_row_of_rectangles( ax, n_boxes=1, southwest_corner=(0, -2.7 * box_height), box_height=box_height, box_width=total_width * r1 + holdout_box_width, gap_frac=0.0, text=['All data'], fontsize=fontsize, train_set_color='gray', alpha=GRAY_COLOR_ALPHA, ) # END IF if avg_cv_score is not None or cv_scores is not None: avg_cv_score = np.mean(cv_scores) if avg_cv_score is None else avg_cv_score char = '\n' if n_folds <= 4 else ' ' # too few folds: display text in two lines avg_score_txt = 'Mean %s%s= %.4g' % (metric_name, char, avg_cv_score) else: avg_score_txt = 'Take average' # END IF-ELSE # END IF-ELSE _plot_bracket( ax, n_folds, total_width, total_height, avg_score_txt, fontsize=fontsize, ) if flip_yaxis: ax.invert_yaxis() # END IF ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') return fig, ax
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _plot_one_row_of_rectangles( ax, n_boxes=5, southwest_corner=(0, 0), box_height=0.6, box_width=0.9, gap_frac=0.05, show_which_box_as_test=-1, train_set_color='green', test_set_color='orange', alpha=0.3, text=None, fontsize=None, ): ''' Plot one row of rectangles (small boxes). Parameters ---------- ax : Figure axes object. n_boxes : int Number of boxes to plot on this row. southwest_corner : (float, float) A tuple of two floats. The south-west corner coordinate of the box. box_height : float Height of a small box. box_width : float Width of a small box. gap_frac : float How much gap should there be between each small box. show_which_box_as_test : int The 0-based index of one of the ``n_boxes`` boxes to show as the "test" box. If -1, treat all boxes as the "train" boxes. train_set_color : str or tuple<float> The color of the "train" boxes. Can be a color name or rgb. test_set_color : str or tuple<float> The color of the "test" boxes. Can be a color name or rgb. alpha : float Opacity of the box color. text : list<str> or ``None`` The text to show on each box. If ``None``, do not show text. fontsize : float The font size of the texts. Returns ------- ax : Figure axes object. ''' patches_train = [] patches_test = [] for i in range(n_boxes): x0, y0 = southwest_corner x1, y1, width, height = __add_gap_to_coord( x0 + i * box_width, y0, box_width, box_height, gap_frac=gap_frac, ) rect = Rectangle((x1, y1), width, height) if i == show_which_box_as_test: patches_test.append(rect) else: patches_train.append(rect) # END IF box_edge_width = 0.7 pc_train = PatchCollection( patches_train, edgecolor='k', lw=box_edge_width, facecolor=train_set_color, alpha=alpha, ) pc_test = PatchCollection( patches_test, edgecolor='k', lw=box_edge_width, facecolor=test_set_color, alpha=alpha, ) ax.add_collection(pc_train) ax.add_collection(pc_test) if text is not None: __add_text( ax, text, n_boxes=n_boxes, southwest_corner=southwest_corner, box_height=box_height, box_width=box_width, fontsize=fontsize, ) # END IF return ax #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __add_gap_to_coord(x0, y0, width, height, gap_frac=0.05): x1 = x0 + width * gap_frac / 2.0 y1 = y0 + height * gap_frac / 2.0 new_width = width * (1 - gap_frac) new_height = height * (1 - gap_frac) return x1, y1, new_width, new_height #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def __add_text( ax, text, n_boxes=5, southwest_corner=(0, 0), box_height=0.6, box_width=0.9, fontsize=10, ): assert(len(text) == n_boxes) x_mid, y_mid = ___get_mid_points( n_boxes=n_boxes, southwest_corner=southwest_corner, box_height=box_height, box_width=box_width, ) for i in range(n_boxes): ax.text(x_mid[i], y_mid[i], text[i], ha='center', va='center', fontsize=fontsize) # END FOR return ax #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def ___get_mid_points(n_boxes=5, southwest_corner=(0, 0), box_height=0.6, box_width=0.9): x_mid = [] y_mid = [] x0, y0 = southwest_corner for i in range(n_boxes): x_mid.append(x0 + box_width / 2.0 + i * box_width) y_mid.append(y0 + box_height / 2.0) # END FOR return x_mid, y_mid #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def _plot_bracket( ax, n_boxes, total_width, total_height, text, gap_frac=0.02, c='gray', lw=1.0, fontsize=10, ): bar_len = total_width * gap_frac * 2 x1 = total_width * (1 + gap_frac) x1_ = x1 + bar_len y1 = 0 y1_ = y1 + bar_len x2 = x1 x2_ = x2 + bar_len y2 = total_height y2_ = y2 - bar_len x0 = x1_ x0_ = x0 + bar_len x0__ = x0_ + bar_len / 2.0 # where to put text y0 = (y1 + y2) / 2.0 ax.plot([x1, x1_], [y1, y1_], c=c, lw=lw) ax.plot([x2, x2_], [y2, y2_], c=c, lw=lw) ax.plot([x1_, x1_], [y1_, y2_], c=c, lw=lw) ax.plot([x0, x0_], [y0, y0], c=c, lw=lw) ax.text( x0__, y0, text, ha='left', va='center', fontsize=fontsize, rotation=270, )