plot_utils documentation

Welcome! This is a Python module that contains some useful data visualization functions.


Recommended method (in the terminal or command window, execute the following command):

pip install git+

For other installation alternatives, see the installation guide.


  • Python 2.7 or 3.5+

  • matplotlib 1.5.0+, or 2.0.0+ (Version 2.1.0+ is strongly recommended.)

  • numpy: 1.11.0+

  • scipy: 0.19.0+

  • pandas: 0.20.0+

  • cycler: 0.10.0+

  • matplotlib/basemap: 1.0.7 (only if you want to plot the two choropleth maps)

  • PIL (only if you want to use the trim_img() function)

API Documentation

  1. Visualizing one column of data

  2. Visualizing two columns of data

  3. Visualizing multiple columns of data

  4. Map plotting

  5. Time series plotting

  6. Miscellaneous

  7. Other helper functions


Examples are presented as Jupyter notebooks here.

GitHub repository

Bug reports and/or suggestions are welcome!

Indices and tables